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A Trademark is a proprietary signature as to a logo design or one word that is unique to an industry or a combination of words together that are unique within an industry or within a market. A Trademark Search is always recommended before you file a Trademark to make sure you are not infringing on anyone else’s Trademark or intellectual property. If the search is positive, and in your favor, then you are clear to file your Trademark.

A Trademark protects your logo in its style, font, color and combination of all the previous. It also protects a single word if it is unique and not part of the public domain. If it is a combination of words that would apply the same. A Trademark is very valuable to branding your company name or product name and can separate you from everyone else and stand out in the public market.


Filing a Trademark is done after a Trademark search is completed. If it is positive then you will pay a filing fee to register that Trademark along with a service fee to your service provider. A Trademark attorney is usually used for this particular filing with the USPTO office. The attorney will work with the USPTO office and represent you and notify you when there is an issue or if there is no issue at all. It usually takes about 6 months or so to receive a granted or issued Trademark. The cost to file a Trademark is relative to the type of Trademark that needs to be filed, but in any case, it is usually a small sum within $400 to $800 including service fees and filing fees. It is a relatively small cost compared to the protection you receive.

(USPTO) United States Patent & Trademark Office.

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